14 Dec 2016

North Street (1953)

A party of visitors to Midhurst enjoying ice creams in North Street in 1953.


  1. Are you still active on Midhurst matters? Your last post is December 2016,which is shortly before I became active in The Midhurst Society. I have posted links on our website to your YouTube page, but I thought it was time to make contact with you. It seems we both want to encourage interest and awareness of Midhurst. Best wishes, Harvey

  2. Hello Harvey. So you are on my trail!!
    I created this site mostly as a repository for my archive of audio and video material relating to Midhurst. Most of it has now been posted so I haven't had so much to say recently but I am more than happy for what is here to be shared.
    Thank you for the message and keep up the good work with the society.

    1. Thank you Gilbert. Yes, I am on your trail! You have done a great job in bringing all these videos together in one place. Others are now taking up the challenge, people like Dave Ford and The Bald Explorer. Our website has links to all of them, but I think you were the first.

      My current task is to put all our listed buildings on the website. The basic listing information is already available online, but I wanted to add photos and back-stories. Every time an old-timer dies we lose a few more memories. Midhurst in Living Memory captured a lot, even if it does contain a couple of errors, but there's more work to be done.

      I'm am outsider, only been here for 20 years, so I'm learning all the time.

      I'm also involved in producing the Midhurst Magazine. Would you be interested in contributing an article for a future issue? Any subject you want, as long as it's Midhurst-related, and can have photos to illustrate it.

      Best wishes, Harvey
